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PRF Injections

Retexturize . Rejuvenate . Glow

Florida's PRF Expert

PRF is a natural alternative to injectable filler that many of our patients prefer. Karli, Nectar's owner, came to appreciate her patients' results so much that she wrote her doctoral dissertation on the regenerative nature of PRF.

Patients Love Their PRF Results

"I came to Nectar Aesthetics for a PRF treatment for my under eyes. I was really surprised to learn the real reasons behind my under eye issues. Karli was very detailed and knowledgeable as I expected her to be because I did my homework and knew she was the best of the best. She suggested for me to take care of my cheek bone to support my under eye area. WOW! She was so right!! My face looks amazing and to tell you the truth I don’t even think I need my under eyes done anymore. I am so happy with the results." -Margarita G

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"I drive over 2 hours and it’s worth the drive every time."

-Amanda M

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Is PRF Right For Me?

PRF Treatment Areas

  • Dark, under-eye circles

  • Lower cheek

  • Breasts

  • Upper buttocks

  • Topically applied with your Morpheus8 or microneedling treatment.

Why Specialize in PRF?

  • Natural results from your own growth factors

  • No "stiffness," which comes from some fillers

  • Enhanced, long-term results

  • Reduced microneedling healing time

  • Lower cost

vampire facial sanford lake mary fl results
vampire facial prf lake mary sanford fl

What Does PRF Do?

PRF allows patients to use their own blood's valuable growth factors. These growth factors stimulate Type-1 collagen production, creating more youthful, elastic skin. After 20 years of use in the dental world, PRF's healing properties are now used to optimize aesthetic results.

Your health is reflected in your blood quality. So, the younger & healthier you are, the better a candidate you are for treatments. Beginning use of your natural growth factors early allows you to retain your youthful look, diminishing your need for injectable filler treatments.

Your PRF Treatment

Your treatment begins with one of our licensed phlebotomists drawing your blood and spinning it down in a centrifuge. This separates your packed red blood cells from the concentrated PRF. We will then inject or topically apply to your treatment area, hyperstimulating your local collagen production.

You will notice immediate volume restoration in your treated area from the addition of the PRF. Results from your body's increased collagen production are normally experienced 3 months post-treatment.

We recommend treatments every 18 months for our younger patients. Our more mature patients should plan to be treated up to twice a year.


The Best PRF Specialists near me in Sanford & Orlando, FL

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